Scratch Science: Making Waves

Scratch Science Scratch Science: Making Waves

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Students will create a wave simulator that demonstrates the properties of period and wave height. This will also be an exercise in getting many cloned objects to work together in what is called a “particle system”. Students will create and manipulate variables to control and change properties in the simulation.

Links to Challenge materials:

Lesson plan w/ Rubric– Includes lesson overview page, design cycle instructions, prototype build instructions, and rubric.
Scratch project prototype– Test out the prototype, view the code and project settings.
Challenge report– Report to be sent home with students at the end of class.

Applicable NGSS Standards:

4-PS4: Waves and Technology

  1. Develop a model of waves to describe patterns in terms of amplitude and wavelength and that waves can cause objects to move.

Share your Prototype:

In order to verify your completion of this lesson and receive your PD/CTLE credit hours for this online PD, please a link to your Scratch prototype in the comments belowMake sure you SHARE your Scratch project before posting it. To redeem your credit hours, please follow the instructions here.

Earn Your Badge By Taking This Quiz!

Making Waves

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Please share a link to your project and/or a picture or video of your project, with a description of how you innovated on your project. And please comment on another engineer’s project!

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